
“Nesting Paduli 2015” self-constructing workshop is getting closer to its end; first “Nziddha” model is completed, so we spent last two days to complete the second model, placed under an olive tree a few meters away.

This is the report from abitareipaduli.com

We’re getting closer to the end of the workshop, and the shelters are almost ready.
While “Dreams Observatory” and the second “Nziddha” shelter are completed, we begin to re-arrange theLOVO”, another shelter we had dismantled during the winter.
Visitors will run into six artist shelters, while walking through the “Paduli” public olive tree grove.
Meanwhile we prepare the opening party of tomorrow: friends of theBlue Beat” from Lecce delivered “B94” craft beers this morning at 8.00AM; it’s still a constant coming and going
Tomorrow, starting from 8.00PM in fact, the melodies of the string quartet “Dissonanze” will accompany the sunset, before the DJ set by Joao Capoca and Sefano Scuro and Errico “RuspaCarcagni; then we’ll wait for the dawn, lying in shelters under a starry sky and a moonlight still full.


Some photos taken by VHS – Visual High Solutions by Alberto Caroppo and Francesco Buccarelli:



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