
V.Emanuele II Square, Polignano a Mare, Italy


Equirectangular rendering
Fisheye rendering
Little planet rendering

Vittorio Emanuele II Square 3d model was created in 2002 during “Rilievo dell’Architettura 2″, one of Faculty of Architecture courses.

Dichitoarchitetto.it, in August 2014, tooks that model and applied textures; we realized a first version of the square rendering.

In December 2014 we upgraded textures, and we prepared a second version of renderings, with a more realistic effect: you can find them on the right.

You can find an interactive navigable version here.


  • 3d model – Pietro O. Di Chito, Nicola Giuliani, Vanna Netti, Paolo Pellegrini e Donatella Serripierri
  • Materials and rendering – dichitoarchitetto.it
  • Image textures (except sculptures) – Cgtextures.com


3d Modeling Pietro O. Di Chito, Nicola Giuliani, Vanna Netti, Paolo Pellegrini, Donatella Serripierri

Rendering Arch. Pietro O. Di Chito

Year 2014

Project categories: 3d Graphics, Architectural survey

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