
Vittorio Emanuele II Square 3d model was created in 2002 during “Rilievo dell’Architettura 2”, one of University of Architecture courses; the model was created by students Pietro O. Di Chito, Nicola Giuliani, Vanna Netti, Paolo Pellegrini e Donatella Serripierri.

Dichitoarchitetto.it, in August 2014, took that model and applied textures; we realized a first version of the square rendering.

Currently we are upgrading textures, and we are preparing a second version of rendering, with a more realistic effect.

Today we are presenting rendering of the first building around the square: “la torre dell’Orologio” (Clock tower). In the gallery below you can see wireframe model realized in the 2002, the first version of rendering, the model without textures and with some mesh corrections and final rendering.



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